Rehabilitation +

Ai Mediq would like to heartfully thank Prof. Galina Ivanova, Chief specialist in medical rehabilitation of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Chairman of “Russian rehabilitation specialists union”, for her invitation to take part in the annual Russian congress with international participation “Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine”. For the third time Moscow has gathered specialists in the field of Medicine from Russia, Israel, Lithuania,…

IH 2019 – Innovations in Healthcare

7-8 November, Alma Aty, Kazakhstan. International Scientific Forum “Innovations in Healthcare” IH 2019 is taking being held by Medical Centre of Administration of President of Republic of Kazakhstan these days with support of National Academy of Science. The key topics are “Accessible Future Medicine. Trends and Outlooks” and “Personalised Medicine”. Ai Mediq is honoured to be invited to this important event dedicated to the most…